Frequently asked questions

If you have anything else you want to ask, reach out to us.

    • Where are you located?

      We have two legal entities in Europe and the US. Most of our team is based in Macedonia.

    • Who is eligible for the special deals & benefits for startups?

      Any startup not older than 3 years. If your startup is older than 3 years, you can purchase a license on

    • Any details about the team?

      Every developer and designer is thoroughly tested before they are hired. We only hire professionals who have a proven track record in the industry.

    • Can I provide a simple test before hiring?

      Of course! We will do our best to make sure you are ready to start working with us. Even though we don't practice that, as long as the test doesn't take much of their time, we will be happy to allow that.

    • Will I work only with one developer or designer?

      Yes, even if it's a part-time work! When you start working with us, we'll assign the right person for the job and you'll continue working with them until you cancel or the work is done.

    • Can I work with multiple people?

      Our Custom plan is designed specifically for that. We'll customize the pricing based on your needs.

    • How and when the payments are made?

      Whatever works for you, works for us as well. You can either use a bank transfer (to any of our legal entities, either the one in the US or in Europe) or directly with Stripe.

    • What software do you use on a daily basis for communication and project management?

      We prefer and use Basecamp the most, but we're not limited to that. If your company uses Slack, Jira, ClickUp, etc .. we don't mind it at all.

    • If you have to choose one technology to use for a web application, which one would be?

      Ruby on Rails, all day, every day. We use it for everything from small websites to large scale web applications.